Thursday, November 21, 2013

Pain in the Neck

Yesterday, I woke up and realized that I had been sleeping funny.  I felt like I had a kink in my neck, and it was painful to move.

I didn't get much done yesterday because it was hard to look down or sideways.  I managed to do the dishes, straighten up the house a bit, and do laundry, but that was about it.  I felt kind of awful. 

The vet came yesterday to give Dakota her yearly check-up.  She told me that my dog is in a lot of pain.  She's old, and her back legs sometimes shake.  I chalked it up to weakness, but she told me that was actually a sign of pain.  For as much pain as the doctor thinks she's in, she is awfully patient with the baby falling on her.  She's an excellent dog, and we're going to do what we can.

Grig came home shortly after the vet left, and he was very nice and heated a cloth for my neck.  By the time bed came around I was feeling better. 

Kevin wasn't sleeping well last night, so I didn't sleep well.  However, I was feeling better until at some point this morning, around 2:30 a.m., he dropped onto my chest.  It startled me and I jerked.  Pain shot through my neck and I gave a cry.  Grig quickly woke up and asked if everything was okay.  I told him what had happened, and I think we both dropped back to sleep after that. 

However, twenty minutes later, I was startled to consciousness by the feeling of pain in my neck growing.  The pressure was pretty painful and I started trying to roll onto my side to get off of it.  The only problem was....I couldn't move.  My labored breathing woke Grig up again, and he helped me sit up.  Shortly afterward I started to feel better, but he was concerned.  He told me maybe he should take the day off. 

I told him I was fine and we didn't have time for me to be incapacitated.  I was going to visit my parents today and watch my little brother perform in Sound of Music.  I told him I would be fine.  He didn't look very convinced.  However, after a warm towel on my neck and a relaxing bath, I do feel much better now. 

He still wants me to go to the chiropractor, but we'll see how I feel later.  I don't have much time today before I leave, so I only want to go if I absolutely need to.

I'm a bit stubborn at times, but I really am feeling better. 

Sometimes I exasperate my husband.  Whoops.


  1. ugh. Those neck strains. My dad gets them & so do I. Maybe it's another Curtis trait. HOpe you feel better by tonight :/ probably will see you :)

    1. It was good to see you! Neck is feeling much better, thank you.
