Monday, October 27, 2014

Mormon Monday: Primary Program

At one point, I thought, perhaps comically, that once Kevin went to nursery, that I would be able to hear the Relief Society lessons. This is another sign that the Lord has a sense of humor. As soon as Kevin was put into nursery with the other 18 months - 3 years, I was called to work with the children.

My current calling (thing that the Lord has asked me to help with in the church) is the 2nd councilor in the primary. I absolutely LOVE my calling. I love working with the children and I love teaching. I do sometimes miss going to Relief Society, but it is worth the sacrifice.

This last Sunday (yesterday), was the primary program. That is when the children perform the songs that they have learned and teach the rest of the congregation what they have been taught the whole year. This year our theme has been families.

One thing that I really love about primary is how simple everything is. Sometimes in classes like Sunday school, priesthood, and relief society, the basic truths of the gospel are not discussed because we are busy focusing on the little things. In primary, all we talk about is the basic truths. You have to keep it simple because the children are still learning to feel the spirit and don't know everything yet.

Often though, they know and understand more than I think they do.

The program went really well yesterday. The kids were adorable and they did a great job. Most of the things that they said were easy to understand, and the microphone only squeaked a few times.

The spirit that was there was beautiful as well. I really enjoyed seeing the kids share their testimonies.

There was a baby blessing yesterday as well, so our chapel was packed! That was exciting. We love it when our brothers and sisters come to church.

The primary helps remind me to keep things simple. There are aspects of the gospel that I don't fully understand yet, and that can be challenging. However there are some things that I know. I know these things because the Spirit has testified that they are true to me. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. When God has told you something is true, fallible opinions from humans don't matter as much.

I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ live and appeared to Joseph Smith. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's church on the earth today, and that He speaks through his prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. The words from the prophet are for everyone on the earth, not just for Mormons, and I know that if we listen and heed his council we will be protected and find peace on this earth.

I know that Jesus Christ lives today. I know that God still cares what is happening on this earth, and He loves His children. I also know that the Lord chastens us because He loves us. It is difficult to grow and become more like our Father in Heaven if we already think we're perfect.

I know that we are all children of God. I want all my brothers and sisters to return to heaven, and the only way that they are going to do so, is if they keep the commandments of God. God's commandments don't change. They never will. People that wait for God to change are going to be waiting a long time, and then they're going to realize that they have wasted a lot of time.

Simplicity is important. Truths can anchor us when doubt threatens to pull us away.

I know these things to be true, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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