Monday, September 2, 2013

The True Use of Pillow Cases

Saturday night, Grig was in a deep sleep.  He had a dream, most of which he doesn't remember.  However, he does remember that for some odd reason, he was banned from using tissues, paper towels, toilet paper, or anything to blow his nose.  And so, as an act of defiance in his dream, he ripped the pillow case off his pillow, blew his nose furiously in the pillow, and threw it in the dirty clothes hamper.  A truly epic tale.

Great dream right?  Except Sunday morning, my pillow case had been pulled off my pillow, thrown on the floor, and covered with Grig's mucus.   Grig's pillow was fine.  When he explained what happened we spent the next ten minutes laughing.  It was really funny. 

The second great thing that happened the weekend (besides church) occurred Saturday.  Grig and I were on the way to the LDS temple.  We were taking Kevin to the babysitter and as we were leaving our apartment, we ran into two ladies and a two-year-old boy.  Kevin got really excited and wanted me to put him down.  I set him on the ground and he stayed standing as he and the other boy examined each others faces with their fingers.  Eventually, the two-year-old got bored, and turned to look at Grig.

That's when Kevin spotted the two ladies who were watching and laughing.  He looked at them, and then he took off RUNNING toward them.  Arms waving, little feet toddling, he was running as fast as he could toward the complete strangers.  He'd never done that before.  We were in shock, and he made it 4-5 feet before he face-planted in the dirt.

He immediately began to cry.  One of the other ladies reached him first, and when I took him back, he had a mouth full of dirt.  We were really impressed!  In the last couple of days, Kevin has really mastered walking!

So, that was our weekend.  We're so strange.

Also, if you haven't seen our new video, check it out.  It's great!

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